Quality Assurance at UL

The culture of quality and its continuous enhancement is at the forefront of fulfilling the vision and mission of University of Ljubljana (UL), and UL is therefore committed to the constant improvement of the quality system, which it ensures: through the planning and organisation of operational processes in the areas of education, research and other support and management activities, through monitoring the processes referred to in the first indent of this article, through ensuring the necessary financial, HR and other resources for implementing the processes referred to in the first indent of this article, and through periodic evaluation and constant improvement of the processes.

UL regularly performs self-evaluation in all activities of the institution, and especially in the following areas:

  • education (opinions of students, teachers and other stakeholders, self- evaluation of study programmes, specially designed and adopted quality indicators, the employability of graduates, monitoring the practical training of students, its position on international ranking scales and other indicators of excellence);
  • research (specially designed and adopted indicators, position on international ranking scales and other indicators of excellence);
  • cooperation with external enviroment (monitoring the practical training of students, specially designed and adopted indicators, position on international ranking scales and other indicators of excellence);
  • arts (specially designed and adopted indicators and other indicators of excellence);
  • human resources (monitoring the training of employees and their career development, and the planning of annual training programmes in learning, teaching and quality);
  • material conditions (specially designed and adopted indicators and periodic monitoring of the fundamental infrastructure, the need for it and investment in infrastructure).

The quality system covers strategic and implementing dimensions, and functions on different levels (Rectorate, UL member faculties, organisational units, study programmes etc.) and with the cooperation of relevant stakeholders, especially of employees, students, management and the external environment (which includes employers, those ordering services, graduates, political decision-makers and research institutions).

Through its system of quality UL continuously monitors the attained level of quality in various areas of operation, based on established indicators; periodically reports on the situation in various areas of operation and on the fulfilment of set goals, and also evaluates this; takes steps aimed at improving the system of quality and at better attainment of set goals, based on periodic quality reports; develops the culture of quality.

The UL Quality Commission is a working body of the UL Senate and has 15 members, of which 13 are from UL staff and two are student representatives. The members of the UL Quality Commission are appointed for a term of four years, except for members from the ranks of students whose term is one year.

Members of the Quality Commission of the UL for the term of office 2021-2024


The UL quality system is oriented towards meeting the ESG criteria and towards ensuring targets set out in the fundamental UL documents and documents in the area of higher education: